Local Governance

Each school within Acorn Multi Academy Trust has its own Local Governing Body (LGB) which is a committee of the Trust Board of Directors.

Local Governing Bodies are made up of parents and community or foundation representatives. Local governors support the directors and school leadership by adding local context and challenge. They ensure that each school provides the very best provision for the community it serves and that the ethos and core values of Acorn MAT are upheld. 

The Trust greatly values and supports the work of Local Governing Bodies and recognises the significant contribution that excellent local governance can make towards raising standards. In order to assist this, the Trust provides support to LGBs with governor recruitment, induction and training.

The Chairs of the LGBs come together with the Chair of the Trust Board and CEO to form a Chairs’ Forum, which meets six times in the academic year and provides advice on strategy and education, enhancing communications between the Local Governing Bodies and the Trust Board.

Local governing bodies have the governance functions delegated to them by the Trust Board through the Trust’s Scheme of Delegation and are accountable to the Board.

Details of Local Governors, along with their business interests and attendance at meetings for the last academic year are available through the individual school links below.

Chair of Governors (Local Governing Bodies)

Axminster Community Primary Academy : Jo WalshLoders CE Primary Academy: John Ryde

Marshwood CE Primary Academy: Sarah Forsey

Membury Primary Academy: Lucy Pearse

Mrs Ethelston's CE Primary Academy: Jo Cursley

St Andrew's CE Primary Academy: Sarah Wyatt

Thorncombe, St Mary’s CE Primary Academy: Catherine Davis